If your call goes unanswered or your voice mail is not returned, it is not good to assume your prospect is not interested. Chances are, it simply means your prospect is busy and has more pressing issues to deal with. At some point in time, your offering will become important to them. Your job is to stay engaged so you can learn where they are in the buying cycle or life cycle of their current situation. You want to identify trigger dates so you know when to turn up the intensity to have constructive conversations.
If you have difficultly speaking to the decision maker during early sms gateway lithuania stage prospecting, try connecting with other people in the company in an effort to learn about their current situation, future timing, and satisfaction level. This information can be uncovered by different people inside one company – not just your top contact person. And most importantly, these nuggets of information will help you gauge your future timing. Capture this information and set follow up reminders in your crm to call back accordingly. Even more, ask for email addresses and send periodic emails that contain relevant information.
Be disciplined with your follow up tasks. Over time your efforts will pay off.These habits are most critical for salespeople who manage smaller, more finite-sized prospect lists. The smaller the population of who your prospects are, the more tactful persistence will pay off for you and your prospecting efforts.Be polite and gratefulalways make your prospecting phone calls with a smile on your face. Some of my staff are outstanding at speaking to a prospect as if the person is right in front of them. This is a gift. Be respectful and do not be afraid to call your prospect back if they tell you they are very busy.
Telemarketing Success Strategies
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