Why 81% Of Businesses Now Use Video Marketing
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:02 am
Businesses now use video marketing
Marketing is an incredibly complex subject that ultimately depends on several key human instincts. There is a reason why 81% of businesses now use video marketing as a major part of their entire advertising campaigns. Video sells and today we’ll try to explain why.
Video Marketing And Human Communication
Marketing is all about conveying a message to potential customers, users bc data vietnam phone number list or partners. How you convey that message will greatly impact the effectiveness of your entire marketing campaign. A good copy can be effective, and so can a good image ad. However, these types of marketing media fail to address one extremely important aspect of how humans react to other messages from other people — verbal and non-verbal communication.
Having an actor or a company representative address your target audience carries much more weight than a written copy. A person watching your company’s video will listen to what the speaker is saying, but they will also catch their body language, facial expressions, and more. All of these subtleties of human interaction can define the success of a video brochure, a complete story-driven ad, or a PSA-type video. Video is a powerful media and an even more powerful narrative delivery vehicle.
Marketing is an incredibly complex subject that ultimately depends on several key human instincts. There is a reason why 81% of businesses now use video marketing as a major part of their entire advertising campaigns. Video sells and today we’ll try to explain why.
Video Marketing And Human Communication
Marketing is all about conveying a message to potential customers, users bc data vietnam phone number list or partners. How you convey that message will greatly impact the effectiveness of your entire marketing campaign. A good copy can be effective, and so can a good image ad. However, these types of marketing media fail to address one extremely important aspect of how humans react to other messages from other people — verbal and non-verbal communication.
Having an actor or a company representative address your target audience carries much more weight than a written copy. A person watching your company’s video will listen to what the speaker is saying, but they will also catch their body language, facial expressions, and more. All of these subtleties of human interaction can define the success of a video brochure, a complete story-driven ad, or a PSA-type video. Video is a powerful media and an even more powerful narrative delivery vehicle.