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If the employee feels that his

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 3:13 am
by Mitu8990
However, it is possible that, once the transfer has been made, the new company decides to change the working conditions of the workers . Article 41 of the Workers' Statute establishes that "The management of the company may agree to substantial modifications of the working conditions when there are proven economic, technical, organizational or production reasons. Such modifications will be considered those that are related to competitiveness, productivity or technical or work organization in the company."
Substantial modifications of the australia whatsapp number data working conditions will be considered, among others, those that affect the working day; schedule and distribution of working time; shift work regime; remuneration system and salary amount, work system and performance; functions.

Therefore, the company can change the schedule and the working day, citing these reasons, which must be justified. To do so, it must notify the employee of the changes with a minimum of 20 days' notice . If the employee objects, he or she may request unilateral termination of the employment contract, receiving compensation of 20 days per year worked.

or her rights have been affected or that the company has failed to fulfil its obligations, he or she may appeal the changes before the Social Court.