Law of the opposite: closely related to the previous law of marketing. Human beings psychologically need to be able to choose, and no product can satisfy the needs of 100% of the market. That is why if your competition has become strong with an attribute, you must have the opposite attribute, but remember, as long as that attribute is valuable to your client.
That is, a transport company can be fast but being slow would not be a good attribute even if it is the opposite, but in the case of food it would be, because it favors digestion and belgium whatsapp mobile phone number list reduces stress by supporting a more relaxed pace of life. Politics is a good example of the application of this law of marketing because if you are not different, in this case the opposite, you will not get the market's vote.
running a business involves living in uncertainty and taking risks, especially when it comes to market tastes and needs. Even investing large amounts of resources in market research will not allow us to predict the future, much less bet on the winning horse. The only sure thing when it comes to predicting the future is to rely on long-term trends, such as the unstoppable use of the Internet in all aspects of our daily lives.
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