One of the most common questions people have when creating a limited company to develop a business is how they should pay Social Security contributions . The first thing to note is that being a partner does not require contributions; only those who are going to carry out work within the company
, that is, the working partners , will have to register . Capitalist partners will not pay contributions simply because they have a stake in the company.
How do partners fit into the different Social Security regimes?
There are three different situations when it comes to determining which Social Security regime the company's partners must be included in.
Partners must register in the Self-Employed Regime in the following cases:
When at least half of the usa shopping data company's capital is distributed among partners with whom the partner lives and with whom the partner is related up to the second degree.
When their participation in the share capital is equal to or greater than one third of it.
When their participation in the share capital is equal to or greater than one quarter of the same, if they have been assigned functions of administrator or of direction and management of the company.
If administrative or management work is carried out but the participation percentage is not 25%, the partner will contribute to the General Regime with exclusions , that is, to the General Regime but without FOGASA or unemployment.
In the rest of the cases, contributions will be made to the General Regime like any other worker.