Seven Terrible SEO Strategies You Should Abandon Forever

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Seven Terrible SEO Strategies You Should Abandon Forever

Post by [email protected] »

Last updated: April 16, 19
Reading time 5 minutes
Photo by Antonio Papini
Written by Antonio Papini

Google and the Internet are evolving day by day, but bad SEO tactics , not to mention obsolete optimization strategies, continue to proliferate as if they were still winning.

Table of Contents
Seven SEO Strategies You Should Abandon Forever
Seven Bad SEO Tactics That Google Really Hates
Using the keyword in an obsolete and forced way.
Develop only short, subtle and non-exhaustive content.
Posting content randomly instead of consistently
Prioritize quantity before quality
Posting duplicate content
Buy Link
Forgetting consumer reviews or getting fake ones
SEO Strategy Don'ts List
Most significant questions and answers
But the worst thing about all this is that these aero leads techniques continue to inexorably do damage and decimate web pages, search rankings, traffic and conversions because the website owners themselves do not know that they have not worked for years now.

Seven SEO Strategies You Should Abandon Forever
Danny Goodwin and Julia McCoy , CEO of Express Writers , during an in-depth seminar on SEO discussed the most common “bad” SEO techniques that are still prevailing throughout the web. During the meeting, many focal points emerged, of which we report the most salient points.

But before moving on to the list, it is always good to remember the core of all the reasoning that we are going to do: Google is Pro-User, and therefore it is irresponsible not to worry about how it perceives the individual website and to omit Google-friendly practices from any visibility strategy .

Often you see beautiful sites online (graphically speaking) that are completely wrong if you analyze them with the eyes of Google. Online there are many tools that do SEO audit (some even free) and their use is always recommended to understand the mistakes made up to now.

Seven Bad SEO Tactics That Google Really Hates
Using the keyword in an obsolete and forced way.
Years ago it was common to see multiple pieces of content, within the same website, targeting the same keyword.

Reading the diagram above, it is immediately clear how the keyword “how to make milk” can generate multiple different results. Today, if we were to separate related keywords like this into multiple pieces of content, we would ignore the importance of semantic search , which looks at the entire topic of a page rather than repeated keyword instances to determine relevance to the user.

Creating too much content around similar keywords can also cannibalize keyword rankings and even penalize an entire website.

To overcome all this the solution is simple, because it is enough to naturally incorporate the synonyms of the keyword within the complete content.

Develop only short, subtle and non-exhaustive content.
Even if short content finds its right connotation within an online project, certainly if you want to adopt it from an SEO perspective the choice will be wrong.

Many studies have confirmed that the most shared content and the one that ranks best in search engine results is that in long form (1,900-3,000 words).

BuzzSumo analyzed over 100 million articles. The most shared messages were long-form.
Backlinko studied 1 million blogs , and found 1,900-2,000 word posts at the top of Google SERPs .

Posting content randomly instead of consistently
By publishing content consistently, you will feed Google’s “thirst”, which by seeing always new and updated content will reward the web project as a whole.

HubSpot looked at blogging frequency data from over 13,500 marketers and agencies. Those who blogged more than 16 times a month earned more traffic and more leads.
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