Once you have filled out the form and sent your registration data, a feedback email will open (so-called thank you page ) that confirms the user's registration and thanks them. On this page you can insert a notification system, such as a CTA that invites you to insert the event into your calendar.
These “linked” pages of user interaction and data collection can be created through specific plugins to be installed on your site, or through a complete CMS. For example, we use the Hubspot CMS (i.e. a platform that collects and coordinates a whole series of functions related to your site and online marketing and commercial activities).
3 weeks before: launch
The moment is approaching, and it is advisable to start preparing the slides and/or multimedia content that you intend to propose. Furthermore, it is finally time to start the actual promotion : send the email austria phone number lead you have prepared, launch the links to the registration landing page on social media, on your blog, in direct communications to customers. And, if it is part of your strategy, in targeted paid ads.
1 week before: relaunch
Send a reminder through all the channels you used previously. The email will be structurally similar to the launch email, but will contain some captions to liven up the anticipation. Like the first one, it will contain the logistical details and the CTA that invites them to register.
Also, don't forget to do a technical test and possibly an exhibition, without participants!
The day of the webinar: set up the room
Send a reminder email notification only to those who have registered, and set up a conference room where they can wait for the event to start. Promote it on social media, and shortly before the scheduled time, gather the speakers and, finally, call and welcome the guests.
During the webinar: record, listen, track
Make sure to record the event so you can archive it, return it to the participants, distribute it (even if only in part) for promotional purposes. Arrange for a member of your team to monitor and manage comments and interactions live , so you can give feedback to all the questions and needs of the participants.
Don't underestimate the management of a webinar and make sure that your team has assigned, defined and separate roles (it's good if a speaker doesn't also have technical or director roles, for example).
After the webinar: follow-up
Convert and collect the contents of your webinar into usable resources: video recording, slides, extra resources , Questions & Answers , so you can share them with the people who attended and with your collaborators who can benefit from them (sales department, colleagues interested in the topics, superiors to document, etc.).
Then send a follow-up thank-you email to attendees, including a CTA to download the resources.
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