A short call to Cuba will cost a cosmic 1 dollar 9 cents (almost 63 rubles). It will cost twice as little to talk to Belarus – 59 cents per minute (32.5 rubles), which is still very expensive. The monopolists in the communications market are to blame for this, charging a virtual “customs duty” – all incoming calls are received by Beltelecom. Hence the tariff outrages when talking to the union republic. With socialist China, which has put IP telephony on market rails, you can talk for 40 minutes for this money! You can even contact home subscribers in capitalist Romania for 1.2 cents (0.
68 rubles). Skype Let's move on to Skype's tariff plans. using this messenger is probably more cost-effective if we are talking about an intensive dialogue, rather than one-time short calls (the messenger charges a fee for connections). According to one of the tariff plans, for 14 US dollars you can call landlines in 63 countries, including Russia, for a whole month. "Politically difficult" directions are processed by this application a little cheaper. You can talk about the supply of Cuban cigars with the Island of Freedom for 80 cents per minute (45 rubles) - almost a quarter cheaper than Viber. Fans of IP telephony will also like the Belarusian Skype package: 12 dollars 49 cents (720 rubles) per hour of communication - quite a reasonable price for negotiations with Minsk.
WhatsApp and Telegram Today, WhatsApp germany email list and Telegram can only be used to communicate with subscribers of these messengers. If they are available on mobile phones and desktop computers, this is a completely suitable form of communication. If a potential participant in a telephone conversation does not have them, you will have to choose another communication channel. Comparison of the cost and traffic consumption of the main Internet messengersCorporate mobility is one of the most global trends in any business area. According to MobilityLab, last year this area was actively developed by more than 60% of large Russian companies. On the other hand, for SMB enterprises, mobility is becoming even more relevant, since competition among niche players is much tougher.