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What are the smartest things recent grads can do when launching their job search?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:17 am
by Joyzfsddt66
Take advantage of all the resources available to you. Talk to your family and friends, leverage the free resources on your campus that are usually available to recent graduates, and of course, use TalentEgg. We have TONS of free information, templates, guides, ebooks, etc. available for you.

How do you think job seekers should be using social media?
I think social media represents an opportunity and a threat. There's no one-size-fits-all answer because it really depends on what kind of career you're after, but the threat part always applies if you've used social media to share parts of belize whatsapp phone number your personality that are "NSFW." The opportunities (again, depending on what kind of career you're after) lie in creating a positive, work-aligned personal brand through social media platforms, the chance to develop a voice in the industry you're interested in, etc.

What are some of your favourite tools or resources for young job seekers today?
Again, we've worked really hard over the years and continue to work hard every single day to make the most comprehensive resource for students and grads in Canada.

Aside from that, students should be taking advantage of free tools like or even to create a positive personal brand online.

What advice can you offer someone who's frustrated by a seemingly never-ending job search?
Two things:

1. If you are a college or university graduate, statistically you will be all right - your job search will end soon.

2. The school-to-work transition is and has been hard for everyone, no matter what the macro environment was at the time they graduated. In other words, you're not alone.