To ensure that all participants in the advertising chain can display ads and comply with the requirements of the law on labeling, some advertising systems have developed their own ORD. The transfer of information to ERIR and the labeling of creatives is performed automatically through myTarget and ORD VK. Read the article about how advertisers, intermediaries and advertising distributors can label ads in myTarget, as well as how click helps to comply with the requirements of the law.
What happened
What ads in myTarget need to be marked
How to mark ads in myTarget
For advertisers
For freelancers and agencies
For advertising distributors
How to mark ads via click
What happened
Since September 1, 2022, Federal Law No. 347-FZ on canada whatsapp amendments to the Federal Law "On Advertising" has been in force in the Russian Federation . Now all online advertising that is shown on the territory of Russia must be marked in a special way. Marking, or labeling, of advertising consists of 4 main actions:
submission of data about the end customer and creatives before advertising is placed;
obtaining a token – a unique advertisement ID that the advertising data operator (ADO) assigns to each creative;
adding the “Advertisement” mark to all creatives;
submission of reports on advertising placement, on contracts and acts on advertising, on all participants in the advertising chain and contracts between them.
The new law covers advertising systems, advertisers, publishers and intermediaries (agencies and freelancers). They must transfer information via ORD to the Unified Register of Internet Advertising (ERIR) - the advertising accounting system of Roskomnadzor. All participants in the chain, as well as the FAS, the Federal Tax Service and Roskomnadzor will have access to information in ERIR. Each participant will have access only to the information that directly relates to him.
Participants in the advertising chain were given time to prepare and no fines were introduced for lack of marking. But from September 1, 2023, they will come into effect.