Competitive advantage compared to Google's CSS Shopping

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Competitive advantage compared to Google's CSS Shopping

Post by sharminakter »

CSS and MRACE ® : more effective reach or cost savings?
Google Shopping advertising, and therefore also price comparison services, primarily affects the reach and convert phases of the MRACE® model . The reach phase aims to increase awareness and the goal of advertising is to bring potential traffic to the website. In the convert phase, the customer is already clearly interested in the product or service, and the goal of advertising is to turn leads into customers who buy. You can also learn about the MRACE® model in our podcast .

Using CSS services can have significant impacts on key metrics in the reach and conversion stages. On the other hand, the benefits can be easily misunderstood and not always easy to verify. We will go into these issues in more detail below.

CSS partners have the potential to offer up to 20% lower cost per macedonia phone data click compared to Shopping ads coming directly from Google. This is often why it makes sense to consider utilizing CSS partners.

However, the overall advertising must be taken into account in order to truly assess the benefits that can be achieved.

Often when discussing the possibility of CSS partners offering up to a 20% advantage on cost-per-click, the question arises, where can this advantage or discount be seen or verified?

The discount is a price advantage over Google CSS in a bid auction, not an outright 20% discount.

For example, a 20% discount on CPCs is not a refundable amount and is therefore not visible through the Google Ads interface. This is what causes the most confusion in the CSS partner discussion.
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