In B2B, an acquisition strategy aims to acquire new prospects, and then transform them into customers. To achieve this, acquisition relies on paid levers such as SEA, or free ones such as SEO articles (pillars of an Inbound Marketing strategy ). These levers allow you to create acquisition campaigns. Each acquisition campaign is an opportunity to reach your targets, generate leads and then convert them into customers. This journey is divided into several stages: we are talking about an acquisition funnel . Here are the different phases, between the moment when the company attracts visitors and then transforms them into loyal customers: You understand: acquisition aims to generate new customers, to boost the growth of a company. The conductor of this strategy is none other than the marketing department.
And to move prospects along the acquisition funnel, marketing teams use different levers… From digital marketing. Because it is no longer a secret to anyone: digital marketing represents the future of acquisition strategies . Its impact is persistent, while its cost is decreasing. And above all, digital marketing helps to generate more sustainable and ecuador telegram database profitable opportunities. We tell you how, and thanks to which levers? Examples of acquisition levers There is no single, magic formula for defining and successfully running an acquisition campaign. However, there are different marketing levers to explore, which differ from affiliation and lead purchasing. On this subject, let's get one thing straight: no, customer acquisition is no longer (only) synonymous with excessive canvassing and lead purchasing.
These strategies are generally expensive, for few effective results in the long term. On the other hand, here are the levers with a high ROI, which allow you to develop sales quickly and boost growth sustainably. These channels are all complementary, so a word of advice: don't put all your eggs in one basket ! SEO / Content Creation First essential lever to acquire customers efficiently and sustainably: create content optimized for SEO. For example, at Plezi, we regularly invest our time in creating blog articles. This content is designed to be positioned on Google on specific keywords, which respond to user issues. Thus, when B2B buyers conduct 80% of their purchasing considerations alone , they have the luxury of being able to use Google… And of being able to find answers to their questions, in articles accessible for free.
This is where the opportunity lies for B2B companies: to provide value through content, and thus start building a relationship earlier in the acquisition funnel. All this, thanks to a sustainable competitive advantage, a profitable long-term strategy, which will eventually bring you business regularly: SEO. Articles published several months or even years ago will continue to bring you traffic and leads regularly. Plezi advice : content is a driver for acquisition. Investing regularly in your content strategy means having the fuel you need to continuously find new customers. Also, don't forget that content fuels all the other levers mentioned below: paid, e-mailing, events, etc. So, start with the basics. And define your content strategy intelligently!