Both segments include company-operated and licensed stores

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Both segments include company-operated and licensed stores

Post by zihadhasan011 »

5% of total revenue ($22.4 billion) , which is nearly ten times the revenue of licensed stores. However, it is fair to emphasize that licensed stores have shown the highest revenue growth. Starbucks' revenue streams by operating segments Americas (US, Canada and Latin America): This segment includes both company-operated and licensed stores. It is the largest and most mature business segment; CAP & EMEA : CAP stands for China & Asia Pacific, while EMEA stands for Europe, Middle East and Africa.

But these businesses are at various stages of deve india telegram data lopment; Channel Development: This segment includes roasted whole bean and ground coffee, Starbucks and Teavana single-serve products, ready-to-drink beverages and other products sold outside of company-operated and licensed stores. Starbucks' revenue by product type Beverages : The majority of Starbucks' revenue comes from beverage sales (around 60%), particularly coffee; Food : Food is the second highest source of income, accounting for 18% of the total generated; Packaged and single-serve coffee and tea : Revenue generated from these products is the lowest, representing 8% of the total; Other : 14% of total revenue comes from royalties and licensing, sales of beverage-related ingredients, server equipment, and ready-to-drink beverages.
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