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On average, consumers have used social media to share personal experiences about a product 41 times in the past year.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 9:51 am
by SakibIslam&8
Rude customer behavior includes yelling, arguing, and in more extreme cases, threats and humiliation.

Bottom line: While there are ways to calm an angry customer , italy phone number material your support team deserves to be treated with respect. Encourage your reps to speak up if a situation gets out of their control.

69% of customers want more than monetary compensation for a complaint

Respondents said they want interactions to feel authentic and want to be treated with compassion and kindness.

Bottom line: Customer incentives are great, but it's clear that empathy is what matters most. Stick to your principles and advise your reps to take these situations seriously.

50% of customer complaints were made through digital channels, including email, chat and social media

This has increased from 5% to 50% over the past decade, highlighting that phone calls are no longer the primary channel for complaints.

Bottom Line: HubSpot research has also shown that customers are increasingly using social media DMs (direct messages) for service . Make sure you’re allocating resources toward digital.

On average, consumers have used social media to share personal experiences about a product 41 times in the past year.

The top channel is Facebook (57%), followed by Amazon (31%) and Instagram (31%). Facebook is also the top site for consumers searching for this information.

Bottom line: Stay on top of sentiment around your products and services on social media, and use that data to make improvements.

63% of companies are doing a better job of following up and responding to social media complaints

. Yet many consumers who complain via social media say they are only “somewhat satisfied” with the resolution.

Bottom line: Not every issue can be resolved on social media. Develop a strategy to escalate complaints as needed so your customers get the best support experience
39% of customers were delighted or completely satisfied with the resolution of their issue.

This figure is 7% higher than in 2020. In most cases, the resolution included getting their money back, receiving an apology, or having their product/service repaired.

Conclusion: Companies must continue to put emphasis on consumer satisfaction during customer service interactions. Let's continue this trend.
Customer anger doesn't have to be "total"

While user behavior and preferences vary by industry, there's one thing we all have in common: we wantgreat customer experiences.

Talk to your customers about their needs, so you can be at your best in 2023.