Half of the Netherlands turned upside down

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Half of the Netherlands turned upside down

Post by Mitu100@ »

On Monday evening our son was the opening of RTL News with a minute-long item and he was live on BNN Today on Radio 1. The next morning De Volkskrant, Trouw, AD, the Nederlands Dagblad and Het Parool had a three-column article about Daniël, he was live again on Giel and later also on Tijd voor Twee on Radio 2. At the end of the afternoon he was still on the phone on the program De Peiling on Radio Noord-Holland. Then the storm subsided. The media hype had lasted exactly 53 hours, measured from the 'clap of thunder'.

The reach of all these traditional media is large. But just how large only became apparent to me when I recently started to list it: through the buy belgium whatsapp number database national media, Daniël's story reached 7.93 million people. With the total number of unique Twitter accounts that received tweets from us or our supporters, we arrive at a total reach of 8,735,000. And then I haven't even counted news sites, regional media and Facebook.

That enormous reach set other things in motion. In those days, the patient organizations NFK and NPCF set up reporting points for people with similar problems as Daniël (they are still open). The SP asked parliamentary questions . Minister Schippers felt compelled to write a real 'Dear Daniël' letter back and publish it on Rijksoverheid.nl. And Daniël was invited to go as a 'patient advocate' to an international conference in Brussels on the exclusion of ex-cancer patients.
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