The word "localization" is used a lot on Clonable. What exactly does it mean? Localization is the ability to make a customer feel at home on your website. This is achieved by adapting certain words or phrases to the local language and culture.
Example: The German language in Germany and the German language in Austria are different. In German, "January" is "Januar" and in Austrian, it is "Jänner". For a website targeting Austria, it is a good idea to translate words like "January" into Austrian-German. This will make the average Austrian feel more comfortable on the website.
Moreover, Clonable can be used to change more than just words. For example, if you want to change the "language flag" at the top of your website, you can! Then an Austrian will see their own country's flag instead of lebanon whatsapp list German flag. So more parts of your website can be changed. For example, color schemes, logos and shipping costs. Videos can also be changed. You can find more Clonable change applications here .
Try Clonable now for 14 days and translate your website quickly and consistently without hassle!
Why localize?
Location-based detection has several advantages, including:
Entering a new market;
The client feels better at home;
The customer trusts your website more;
Wider coverage: some people are very attached to their culture and avoid websites of an international nature;
Improved SEO positions in the target area.
The only downside to localization is that it requires more effort. However, with Clonable, location is very easy. We will discuss it in more detail below.
Location with Clonable
With Clonable, you can quickly master localization. Let's take the aforementioned Austrian example. Take a German website and clone it to an Austrian domain. Then replace the German words with their Austrian equivalents, for example, replace "Januar" with "Jänner". This replacement can be done using replacements . Enter the word to be replaced in the "original" field. You enter the replacement word in the "Replacement" field. Then tap "case insensitive" if you want the replacement to be case-insensitive (more information about changing capitalization can be found here ).