He needs to be on the move all the time, to be in the thick of things. He is in full swing, constantly calling someone, solving problems, answering letters, ready to speak on behalf of the department and the entire company in negotiations. Well, channel this energy in the right direction - appoint such an employee responsible for external communications: this is exactly his place, because it is important for him to feel his importance. By the way, people of this type are taiwan business email list happy to communicate with employees holding lower positions.
"The lover of teaching"
He can't stand being criticized, but he's ready to give advice with pleasure, feeling like an important person. He has a powerful nature, I'm sure that hardly anyone can do without his smart advice. How to communicate with such a subordinate? Speak respectfully, and formulate instructions in the form of requests.
"Bureaucratic machine"
Instructions are sacred to him. He must have strict order everywhere and in everything: in the performance of official duties, in subordination, document management, accounting system, etc. Relationships with superiors are strictly according to regulations. The most important thing for such an employee is to act "as written", even if it is boring and routine. But he can easily destroy some creative initiative.
"Eternal Doubt"
He always thinks about something of his own, he can only do work under duress, because he does not consider it something obligatory or important. He will never do anything the first time, he does not make contact, he does not even think about career growth.
"Free Artist"
He needs not just a job, but something that can inspire. Everything he undertakes, he does quickly, efficiently and with soul. He is inclined to perfectionism, therefore, being afraid of making a mistake, he can doubt for a long time before starting something. He does not like schedules, such an employee has his own rhythm of life.
"The free artist" is sociable, but creative by nature, so praise from others is important to him. He always strives to show the best result and worries about what others will say. If everything works out, he grows wings, and if not, his hands drop. You should communicate with such a subordinate in a friendly manner, praise him for his achievements, help him avoid mistakes. And if you criticize, then very gently, not forgetting to mention the merits.