Video budgets shift from TV to multi-screen
Television programs and program makers are responding to the consumer's need for interaction and the use of multiple devices at the same time with new formats. In more and more programs, the internet is part of the format and advertisers want to respond to that.
It is precisely this development that will make more traditional advertisers experiment with the online video side and will cause budgets to shift. Not only around television programs, but especially on YouTube, for example, more advertisers are able to proclaim their messages. Video will remain an important growth engine for display advertising. Where giants such as Google and Microsoft buy cambodia whatsapp number database also contribute, by the increasing integration of videos in, for example, the search results.
Although display advertising has become more transparent in the core in recent years, there is still much to be gained in that area. Kickback fees are still being pushed left and right , with which collaborating parties (can) have different interests and of which not all parties are always aware.
Nevertheless, display advertising will become more transparent again in the coming year. Advertisers' knowledge is growing and with that, transparency is more or less enforced. Due to the dynamics in the market and the rapid developments of the past years, many agreements are still outdated today. In the coming year, we will continue to work on updating the guidelines and standards that apply to the market. That is a positive development, from which everyone benefits.