In digital marketing and, above all, in web analytics, we are very used to the term CRO ( Conversion Rate Optimization ).
It refers to a process of continuous improvement of web services to optimize the user experience.
Experimentation or A/B testing is used in this optimization process to identify the most effective content.
The same communication action is issued in two buy pakistan number database different formats, to see which of the two is more effective.
An A/B test is developed from a control page, which establishes the starting point for optimization.
The different treatments or pages to be tested are based on a hypothesis that arises with the aim of improving the conversion rate.
Through A/B testing we improve conversion to achieve our objectives, as we test several hypotheses that allow us to understand the drivers of user behavior.
In this way, we obtain statistically supported information that allows us to reach a winning hypothesis, which will lead to an improvement in conversion and, therefore, we will improve our results.
testing and experimentation
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- Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2025 6:52 am