The market will continue to consolidate
Due to the rapid developments, the strict view on the added value of affiliates and the large number of parties, there has been a fierce competition going on in affiliate marketing for some time now. The margins for the networks are lower than before and affiliates also have a greater challenge to continue to realize growth.
A clear development is that larger affiliates are becoming even larger and new parties are less likely to enter. That is logical, these affiliates have a big advantage in building data, good payment and commission agreements with networks and advertisers and often focus on building their brand.
Various networks in the buy cameroon whatsapp number database Netherlands have of course merged or been taken over by international players in recent years. The playing field is becoming increasingly international, which means that networks that know how to use this expansion well have an enormous scalability advantage.
From this basis, parties can invest in technology (which is necessary), they have a better position in relation to advertisers and affiliates and they respond to the growing need from affiliates and networks to work with one party in multiple countries.