Distinctive assets Create differentiators in
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 7:07 am
But does the public associate these elements with your brand? Are they really distinctive? The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute proposes a methodology to identify the potential of distinctive assets, which consists of the following steps: Conduct an in-depth study of the brand elements: survey the brand elements to analyze, test, and measure their strength. Collect online data: conduct surveys and interviews with the target audience to collect data about the consumer experience and identify how connected the brand and its elements are in their perception.
Analyze results and recommendations: interpret users’ responses and identify how to use mom phone number list the elements in your brand communication. To perform the third step, the company uses the distinctive asset grid below. Notice the chart crosses the factors Fame (percentage of consumers who associate the element with the brand) and Exclusivity (percentage of consumers who associate it only with the brand). From these recommendations, you can identify which elements you should avoid, use, ignore, or reinforce in your content strategy.
your content Just because an element belongs to your branding strategy does not mean that it has the potential to become a distinctive asset. So, while developing your content strategy, you can create assets that are associated with the brand. When thinking about differentiators for your content, remember that they need to be unique and original and catch people’s attention.
Analyze results and recommendations: interpret users’ responses and identify how to use mom phone number list the elements in your brand communication. To perform the third step, the company uses the distinctive asset grid below. Notice the chart crosses the factors Fame (percentage of consumers who associate the element with the brand) and Exclusivity (percentage of consumers who associate it only with the brand). From these recommendations, you can identify which elements you should avoid, use, ignore, or reinforce in your content strategy.
your content Just because an element belongs to your branding strategy does not mean that it has the potential to become a distinctive asset. So, while developing your content strategy, you can create assets that are associated with the brand. When thinking about differentiators for your content, remember that they need to be unique and original and catch people’s attention.