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Fostering happiness in the workplace: Key to success

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 9:30 am
by bitheerani93
Happiness has been studied since ancient times by many philosophers, schools of thought and religions. It could be achieved through different paths: virtue and wisdom for Aristotle, pleasure for Epicurus, moral action for John Stuart Mill, authenticity and a return to nature for Rousseau, or by achieving eternal life in paradise for various faiths.

Regardless of the means, most people agreed that happiness was the honduras phone number list goal of life, directly or indirectly. The most precious and sought-after good. And this has not changed in this century, but today there are many more means at our disposal to achieve it.

happiness in the work environment
Work stress and depression
However, according to the latest European Health Survey , 5.25% of the population over 15 years of age in Spain suffers from depression, 2.1 million people for whom a lack of happiness is pathological.

The causes of these high figures are numerous and a large number of biological, social and behavioural factors may be involved. However, we can highlight some relatively new and significant agents such as loneliness, social isolation, excessive use of electronic devices and work stress.