Major updates and content re-evaluation

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Major updates and content re-evaluation

Post by rabiakhatun785 »

There's nothing wrong with pages that may perform worse in a core update. They haven't violated our webmaster guidelines or been subject to manual or algorithmic action, as can happen with pages that violate those guidelines. In fact, there's nothing in a core update that targets specific pages or sites. Instead, the changes are about improving how our systems evaluate content in general. These changes may cause some pages that were previously under-rewarded to improve.

One way to think about how a core update works is to imagine that you made a list of the top 100 movies in 2015. A few years later, in 2019, you update the list. It turkey phone numbers will naturally change. Some wonderful new movies that never existed before will now be candidates for inclusion. You might also re-evaluate some movies and realize that they deserved a higher spot on the list than before.

The list will change and the films that were previously higher on the list that are moving down are not bad. There are simply more deserving films coming up for them.

Focus on the content
As explained, pages that drop after a core update don’t have anything wrong to fix. That said, we understand that those who don’t do well after a core update change may still feel like they need to do something. We suggest focusing on ensuring you’re delivering the best content possible. That’s what our algorithms are looking to reward.
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