What have professionals failed to do when it comes to creating and expanding companies' digital presence?

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What have professionals failed to do when it comes to creating and expanding companies' digital presence?

Post by ashammi228 »

Okay, so you understand the importance of creating and expanding your online presence. But, when it comes to entering new channels, you need to be careful. If not well thought out, this expansion leads to mistakes that can compromise your plans.

And it is at this point that many companies have failed. It is necessary to realize that brand growth on the Internet not only brings more visibility and potential customers, but also generates demands that the company did not have before .

Therefore, we will now analyze the main demands that may arise when expanding the online presence and what mistakes companies end up making.

Websites that do not meet demand
One of the main channels of digital presence is the website. It can be an growth of the overseas chinese in canada institutional website, a blog, a news portal or an e-commerce site, for example.

When a company starts its digital presence, it is common to create a simple site with few resources. It is not necessarily a bad website, but it offers a limited visitor experience.

However, with the expansion of the online presence, with new digital channels, it is expected that visits to the website will increase and new consumers will arrive. Many people are getting to know the brand for the first time. Therefore, they need to be welcomed.

And many times websites are not prepared for this . They can, for example:

Go off the air because they received too many simultaneous hits.
Having a very slow charge.
Not offering accessibility to all users.
Frustrating visitors who didn't find what they were looking for.
And when these situations occur, the brand image is damaged. Therefore, the creation of the website must be consistent with the growth of the digital presence.

Dispersed communication between channels
Another common problem when creating new digital marketing channels is the dispersion of communication .

Marketing must be consistent across all touchpoints with the public, including the online presence. Of course, approaches and formats can vary, to adapt to the language of each platform, but the brand identity and focus on business objectives must remain the same.

What happens then is that brands expand their channels without any planning , with strategies that are disconnected from each other. If the website says one thing and Facebook says another, communication with the public becomes full of interference. People do not understand what the brand is like and what it offers. And so, relationships cannot be established.

Moreover, scattered communication does not help to achieve business objectives either. Often, companies create a new profile on a social network just because everyone else is doing it or because some marketing guru recommended it. But does such a channel make sense for the brand? Does it help to achieve any strategic goal?

For this reason, it is necessary to plan a digital presence that generates coherent communication with the public, that transmits a solid image of the brand, that builds relationships and meets objectives.

Abandoned social networks
Jumping into new channels without planning only brings trouble. It's all too common: brands get excited about new social media, but then can't handle all the work involved .

You need to think about planning, producing content, creating images, publishing, interacting with users, measuring, optimizing, creating reports, and other activities that involve each channel. And all of this happens in cycles, always in motion, so as not to lose frequency and consistency (the algorithms require it!).

So, you have to think that it is necessary to have professionals (or partners) for all this. And companies do not always have them. In this way, there is a “graveyard” of profiles on social networks, of brands that were unable to maintain an active presence there.

This is a problem because it damages the company's image. Users who started following the profile are abandoned and those who get to know the brand become frustrated. It can appear unprofessional or even that the company no longer exists...

It is necessary to plan an online presence strategy that considers all the work involved in each channel. That way, you can make better decisions about which media to include.

Overloaded customer service team
Expanding your online presence brings many people closer to your brand. More people start following the brand, visiting the website, purchasing from e-commerce sites, and subscribing to the newsletter.

The more online touchpoints you have with your audience, the more people will interact with your brand . After all, digital channels, unlike traditional vehicles (like TV and radio), create two-way communication. Remember, this is one of the advantages of a digital presence that you should take advantage of.

The problem is that when a brand gains visibility on the Internet, there can be an overload of interactions . Message boxes, comments and emails now receive many requests, which the support team cannot solve.

In this way, the consumer's experience with the brand deteriorates. In customer service , in particular, if complaints are not responded to, they can turn into a crisis.

Therefore, it is necessary to size and train the customer service team for the interaction demands generated by the channels.

Failures in image crisis management
Digital channels, like two-way media, give consumers a voice. This is interesting for getting closer to them, getting to know them better and creating a relationship. But it also has its downside: they can speak badly of the brand with high reach power.

When a brand is small and has few channels, there are few users to respond to and the situation is under control. Only, as the brand expands its digital presence, it becomes more known and exposed . It is common, for example, that the increase in followers also brings several haters, who only want to attack.

A complaint or report then has a much stronger impact and can become an image crisis . And many brands do not know how to deal with this, especially at the beginning. And, with poorly planned measures and responses, they can worsen their reputation.

Therefore, it is also necessary to prepare the marketing and customer service teams to respond to negative interactions, which are beginning to appear more frequently.

How to solve the demands of your digital presence strategy?
In the face of growing demand and challenges in expanding your online presence, what can you do?

Now let's look at some ways to ensure sustainable growth on the Internet , so that you don't waste resources and don't need to correct strategies all the time.

Make a digital marketing plan
From the first steps of the brand on the Internet, this step cannot be missed: digital marketing planning . It is important to plan strategies to build a solid and consistent online presence that fulfills its role in business objectives.

Planning defines the paths that the online presence should follow. But these definitions must be based on an analysis of the business and the market. This internal analysis allows the team's capabilities to be identified and prevents the company from taking steps beyond its capacity, such as creating channels that generate excessive demand.

In addition, planning should consider the digital marketing strategy as a whole and then break down actions and objectives on each channel. This way, you can integrate and align all channels around the strategy , to create cohesive brand communication.

Create a style guide for online communication
Digital marketing planning helps to avoid the diffuse communication that can lead to the growth of digital presence. That is why creating a style guide for digital communication complements the plan.

The style guide provides guidelines on brand communication on its digital channels. Based on branding definitions, this document informs the principles and standards to be followed in content, whether in texts or visual language.

Uber's style guide is a good example. The company explains that the brand's global growth requires an efficient and flexible identity that adapts to uses without losing its essence. It then provides definitions on various brand elements, such as logo, colors, illustrations, tone of voice, and typography.

Establish an appropriate frequency of publications
One of the definitions of digital marketing planning should be the frequency of publications on the channels.

Consider that you can create a blog, an email marketing strategy, or social media profiles, which require an active online presence. Users themselves demand this, as they follow a brand to see its posts on a daily basis. But the biggest requirement comes from algorithms, which stop showing posts to the public if the profile does not maintain regularity.

But it's important to remember: when defining the frequency, consider your team's capacity . A publication requires much more work than it seems: it needs to be planned, produced, approved, scheduled, evaluated and optimized.

So, the marketing team needs to manage all of this. So, think about this entire workflow when defining the frequency of posts, so that the team is able to maintain an active and quality presence on all channels.

Create a site optimized for user experience
Make sure your website offers the best user experience. Many new people coming to your site need to have a positive perception about your brand, or they may never come back. Therefore, when creating a website or expanding your online presence, the focus should be on user experience (UX) .

UX refers to the experience of users interacting with an application. In this case, we are talking about your website, which should be attractive, secure and easy to use, solve the needs of the visitor and remove any obstacles in the way.

To do this, you must pay attention to elements such as:

Speed ​​of the site, because the user does not want to waste time.
Responsiveness, because the user can access the site on different devices.
Usefulness of the content, because the user wants to solve a need.
Information architecture, because the user wants to easily find what they are looking for.
Data security, because the user needs to trust your brand.
Attractive design, because the user must be delighted and involved with the site.
If you want help with all of this, Rock Stage offers website hosting and blogging solutions that ensure the best experience for your visitors. Your website gains much more speed, performance, and security, with plans tailored to your needs.

Ensure that the website supports a high volume of access
To meet the growing demand for website access, it is necessary to have a server that can handle high traffic and provide support for critical situations.

When a server is overloaded with many simultaneous accesses, the website may show the user a 503 Error page. This means that the server is not available at that moment and the website will not work. The visitor therefore leaves the site and a potential visit and conversion is lost... Frustrating, isn't it?

To avoid this, it is important to hire a hosting service that supports the necessary number of accesses . Even if the company is small, it currently anticipates the growth of traffic so as not to have to change providers frequently.

Additionally, it is important that the service provides immediate support. When the site goes down, it is essential that it comes back quickly so that you do not lose more visits and conversions.

Rock Stage has dedicated WordPress support , via email or chat. Whenever you need help, you can call our dedicated team!

Define service and crisis management protocols
Among the problems we have pointed out in the expansion of the digital presence, there is the overload of the customer service team, which can lead to image crises that are increasingly difficult to control. Therefore, it is also necessary to take measures in this direction.

Even when a brand's digital presence is still in its infancy, anyone who interacts with the public on online channels should receive some training. On the Internet, users expect agility, friendliness and efficiency in interactions, especially in after-sales issues.

As your online presence grows, so does the demand for customer service. It is therefore essential to define customer service protocols , such as assigning case managers and creating standardized responses to common questions.

In this way, the service becomes more agile and efficient. When situations become more critical, it is also important to define crisis management protocols. You cannot respond arrogantly, delete negative comments or silence users.

It is necessary to have a plan for crisis situations , which standardizes communication and defines the position that the company should adopt.
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