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"How to Convince a Client to Buy a Product or Service: 40 Effective Techniques"

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:34 am
by subornaakter40
Career priorities and a mandatory interest in work are key features of Generation Y.

Unlike Gen Xers, Gen Yers often lack a fundamental educational base. Therefore, many try to develop skills in several areas at once. Millennials are good at absorbing new knowledge, they are distinguished by a variety of interests and quick adaptation.

It is not surprising that many of them by the age of 23 have not one, but several educational documents, often in radically different fields - this affects their behavior in the labor market. All nepal mobile phone numbers database kinds of advanced training and retraining courses are very popular among representatives of the generation, which do not take much time - which, as is known, is very much appreciated by the "Yers".

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Despite the fact that most Y people have higher education, they do not always go to work in an office: many find employment in business, in manufacturing, in the extractive industry or in the civil service. Young people, having a craving and ability for new technologies, easily, unlike the previous generation, master professions related to communications and IT. In addition, "Yers" like to conquer areas in which, due to novelty, there is no competition.

How to Sell to Generation Y
How to Sell to Generation Y


When creating marketing strategies aimed at Generation Y people, it is advisable to consider standard audience characteristics in conjunction with the psychological and behavioral characteristics of the representatives of the target group. Another point should be taken into account: the "Y" are related to the so-called "boomerang generation" ("Peter Pan generation") due to their tendency to postpone adulthood, and they also live with their parents longer.

Sociologist Kathleen Chaputis has dubbed this phenomenon “crowded nest syndrome.” The underlying cause of this trend is economic: the global financial crisis, rising unemployment, rising housing costs, and the like.

The development of network communication technologies has directly affected the generation of "echo boomers", endowing them with such a feature as multifunctionality. It will not be difficult for them to simultaneously maintain communication in a chat with several interlocutors, browse a site on an abstract topic, follow updates on Twitter and blogs. Moreover, traditional media channels (TV, radio) have practically no influence on this audience.

Millennials prefer online communications over offline ones. It is important for them to find self-expression. Like all children, “Y” generations are characterized by curiosity and interest in new things. It is “innovation”, not “discount” or “special offer” that will be the magic word (marketing magnet) for them, encouraging them to buy.

What should be taken into account when selling to Generation Y?