
Currency Data give you currency user data. all is the active crypto currency users data.
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Post by 125tomaa »

The first step toward automating and systematizing your marketing machinery is to determine where and how you should contact potential customers in the first place. From there, you can create process documents and automations as needed.

If you are still unsure how to find the most viable marketing channels for your affiliate site and create a coherent marketing strategy, check out el primer post de esta serie .

The simplified steps to create an affiliate marketing strategy are as follows:

Crear un Perfil del cliente ideal (ICP) based on your site’s current power users (most engaged, highest VC, membership evangelists). Survey a subset of your power users to learn what problem your membership solves for them, as well as what features and benefits they value most about your website.
Use that information to create all list of barbados consumer email of your website’s marketing materials—incorporate quotes from your typical users so that the language you use resonates with those who most closely resemble your ideal customers.


Run tests to determine the 2-4 most viable marketing channels (both profitable and reliable) for your affiliate site.
Deliver the right message to the right prospect at the right time through the most effective marketing channel. The right message will depend on the level of awareness of your affiliate product.
For example, if you’re creating a Facebook Lookalike Audience to reach more potential customers, the first ads you show to that group of people will serve as an introduction to your membership, and the call to action (CTA) will likely be an opt-in to your lead magnet so you can start nurturing them. You’re not going to ask them to join right away — they’ve just met!
Track your marketing efforts over time and make adjustments as needed to ensure you're only investing in viable channels.
Keep in mind that the main goal of your top-of-funnel marketing efforts is to build your email list and then start nurturing those leads through email and retargeting ads. Learn more about that in System #2.
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