To do this, simply open the Block Editor and use the search bar to find the Envira block. Then simply drag and drop it wherever you want it to appear on the page.
The best thing about this Envira WordPress block is that you can also use it to create a new gallery or add images in the front-end editor.
But if you already have a gallery ready, just search for it in the block's search bar or in its drop-down menu.
add envira gallery with block
Now, adding a gallery with an Envira block works a little differently than using a shortcode when it comes to user experience.
With the shortcode, you have to refresh the australia mobile phone number list page to see the gallery on the live page. But with the Envira block, once you add the block, you can see how the gallery will appear on the live page right in the front-end editor.
Additionally, you can also add images from your media library or upload them from your PC. This makes it very easy to edit the size of your gallery from your front-end editor.
envira gallery added with block
But advanced users can also add an Enira gallery with simple coding.
This plugin creates a template tag for each gallery after creating a gallery automatically. The codes allow you to add and display galleries directly from WordPress template files.
But if you still want to add the galleries directly to the template files without any coding experience, we suggest you use WPCode – the best snippet plugin. It will allow you to insert the codes without any risk of breaking your site.
As a result, your Envira galleries will integrate better into your theme's design and layout, giving you full control over their design and appearance.
add gallery wordpress templates
2. Light box effect
A lightbox effect is a great way to increase engagement and improve user experience. This is because it overlays and expands the image to full screen so your audience can see it better and focus on the specific image.
Envira Gallery makes it super easy to enable Lightbox, as all you have to do is tick a checkbox. After this, you can select a Lightbox Theme to help you make your lightbox more unique.
Next, you can set the image size from the drop-down menu. Here you can decide whether you want to use the original image size or select image sizes ranging from 150 x 150 (thumbnail size) to 2048 x 2048.
Setting a defined image size can help you create consistent images throughout your gallery, improving aesthetic appeal and user experience.
Below these settings, you can add arrows to the lightbox and make your gallery play on a loop. These features can help users navigate your gallery better and ensure they engage with less effort.
add envira lightbox effect
Talking about ease of navigation and user experience, Envira Gallery also allows you to add image thumbnails below the Lightbox. This helps your users to easily jump to the image they want by selecting its thumbnail.
You can also set a custom width and height for your thumbnails to better fit your pages. Additionally, you can add a toggle button to make thumbnails appear randomly, giving the user a different experience than the one you've set.
However, we recommend that you disable this button if you are using your gallery to tell stories to ensure that the narrative is consistent for all users.
lightbox thumbnail
3. mobile gallery
With more and more people using mobile devices, creating mobile-friendly galleries is a great way to improve user experience and grow your audience.
But, you might be wondering, why would you need to set up mobile galleries if Envira is already responsive and mobile-friendly? Doesn’t this create a hat-over-hat situation, or make mobile galleries redundant?
But you might be surprised to learn that this is not the case.
Simply put, a mobile-friendly design ensures that the entire website is functional and adapts to different screen sizes and devices. On the other hand, Envira's mobile galleries allow you to optimize layouts, touch navigation, and other mobile-specific features.
While your visitors can still view galleries on small screens without you setting up mobile galleries, this feature ensures that your user experience on all devices is not only responsive, but enjoyable.
The great thing about creating mobile galleries with Envira Gallery is that you can do it quickly through the gallery editor, just like other customization features. All you have to do is enable this feature in the mobile tab by checking the checkbox.
Below the checkbox, you can set the Mobile Dimensions and Row Height. Next, decide whether you want to add a title and/or caption