If you are looking for a name to choose for a clinic, then you are about to open a clinic and besides that, you are in t

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If you are looking for a name to choose for a clinic, then you are about to open a clinic and besides that, you are in t

Post by jisansorkar12 »

In this article I am going to guide you to find that name that says something, that says something to you and that also says something to others.

Before we start, I'll tell you a secret: if the name has 2 syllables, it's better than if it has three.

The names of the clinics must be memorable, so that when someone goes to the clinic they can quickly say, I have been to the TANTAN Clinic and the word of mouth effect can quickly spread.

If the name is not remembered, the recommendations suffer.

To choose a name, you can choose to invent a word, take a word from another language or use a word that exists in Spanish and use it as the name of your clinic.

For example, Linda Clinic

The name itself indicates what you want to achieve with clients who come to the clinic, it meets the parameters of two syllables, and in fact, it is memorable, since people already know that word.

The problem with inventing a word is that it is unknown, which means that more advertising and marketing will be needed to make it remembered than if the word is already in the vocabulary of potential customers.

Of course, there is no fixed rule in the strict sense of the word that it has to be two syllables.

The clinic of a good friend and client, for example, is called Clinica OLIVA, it is a name that we all know, and its brand image is white and olive green, so if you hear it once you remember it, and although it does not have 2 syllables it is very memorable.

The first thing I would do would be the following:

Launch a brainstorm
Sit in front of a blank sheet of paper and write down all the ideas that come to mind.

What name should I choose for my clinic?
Write without thinking, write until you have no more ideas left inside.

Before doing this exercise, I recommend doing some analysis and research on Google denmark whatsapp list about different concepts.

For example, you can search for the word beauty, and look for synonyms, that way you will get many words.

It is also good to look up the definitions of certain words in the dictionary, they can give you clues.

Once you have done the exercise, let it rest for a few hours.

And then score all the names from 1 to 10.

When you have already done this work.

Check out the top-scoring finalists.

The 10s and the 9s should be the ones to move on to the next phase.

In the next phase we are going to look for the ease of saying those words,

How easy is it to remember them?

For me that would have to be a determining factor, but also the meaning of the word itself, both for you and for the person seeing it and what it may imply.

Look at the example of Apple, it means apple, and its logo is a bitten apple.

For many it may not mean anything, but for the first people who consumed Apple it may.

In fact, the apple is a well-known symbol in the mind of humanity. Have you ever had an apple fall on your head and found “that brilliant idea” like Isaac Newton did?

For others it will evoke a forbidden fruit, the one that Eve offered to Adam.

In a word with a meaning integrated into the collective for millennia.

The word, when you name it, has to evoke a feeling of satisfaction , of happiness, of something that you really like.

Once the name for the clinic is chosen, we would have to choose the logo and colors to define the brand identity.

We have to think that from the first moment we advertise, for example on social networks, everything has to be coherent, to transmit the same identity in all phases until a person decides to go to the clinic.

The clinic must convey the same thing on the outside, through marketing and advertising, as it does inside the clinic itself.

That is why it is very important that the website, social media, digital marketing funnels, logo, clinic exteriors, signage, brochures, clinic walls, documents given to patients, everything has that brand component.

If you really want to make a difference with your clinic, it is important that you take the time to choose a name for your clinic.

Do you have it yet?
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