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How to identify, classify and find your potential clients

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:35 am
by simarahman5835
The starting point to know who your potential customers are is to understand:

What is your available market?

What is the profile of your ideal client, also called target client or, in English, buyer persona?

Know your total market and your available market
You must be clear about the difference between your company's total market and its available market.

The total addressable market (TAM) is the “possible” market that your product or service could have. That is, all the people or companies that could be interested in your offer.

Suppose you sell a home device that measures glucose levels in adults. Your total market could be all middle-class adults.

The available market, on the other hand, is the part of the total brazil whatsapp number data market that is most likely to buy because they really need or want to buy what you offer.

If we use the same example as before, your available market could be middle-class adults with diabetes or insulin resistance.

The clearer you are about your available market, the better you will be able to define the profile of your company's potential clients.

Create your buyer persona
A buyer persona is a fictional profile you create of your ideal customer and is used to better understand how to identify your potential customer. To do this, you must gather all possible sociodemographic and lifestyle data about someone who would buy your product or service.

If you sell to other companies, you must create the buyer persona of both the person who makes the purchasing decision and the person who makes the selection of the products or services that the company needs.

Once you have identified who your potential customers are according to your available market and buyer persona, it is time to move on to their classification.

Classify your different types of potential clients
The classification of the types of potential clients is based on:

The frequency of purchase
There are three categories here: frequent or regular customers, regular customers, and occasional customers.


Regulars are those who have frequent purchasing habits. For example, if you are a wholesaler of tableware, you could be a store that sells household items. A regular customer could be a party venue that needs to replenish its tableware from time to time, and an occasional customer could be a company that buys several sets of tableware for a corporate event.

Purchase volume
Depending on the quantity of products or services purchased by a customer, they can be divided into: high, average and low volume.

Using the same example of wholesale tableware, a high-volume customer could be a chain of home goods stores. A medium-volume customer could be a restaurant chain, and a low-volume customer could be a small home goods store.

Keep in mind that frequency and volume of purchases do not always go hand in hand. For example, a small home improvement store may buy infrequently but infrequently.