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Industrial Design: Types, Stages and Books

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 3:13 am
by subornaakter7
What is industrial design
The term is defined as an artistic field dedicated to making the world of objects around us beautiful and user-friendly.

If earlier design was called something unusual and created by specialists who understood all the complexities of this field, today the term already means something else. Try it: type "design" in English in the search engine, and "design" in Russian. In the first case, you will get a set of pictures about graphic design, and in the second, interior solutions. This precisely demonstrates the ambiguity of the term.

What is industrial design

Industrial design technology does not mean creating an externally unusual object, but the ergonomics of its use from an economic point of view. Judge for yourself: educational programs exist not only in design and architecture universities, but also in economic schools. The Higher School of Economics is just an example.

Modern Russian business only hinders the formation of a clear understanding of the purpose of industrial design and its essence for the entire life cycle of future products. In Russia, special events are organized so that more specialists can talk about this industry, which can understand the needs of buyers. Moreover, such conferences perfectly connect the opinions of designers and production representatives. Such exhibitions help to increase the demand for the services of experts in this field and form an understanding among different audiences about the specific problems solved by industrial design.

As a form of creativity, industrial design objects are protected by copyright and the intellectual property of the designer. In fact, in the modern world, any result of such activity must be protected by an invention, utility model or industrial design patent. Creating something new is as difficult as preventing it from being copied.

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History of Industrial Design
The beginning of this trend appeared in the middle of the 18th century, when the Industrial Revolution was in full swing in England. The term could first be used in conjunction with the word "draftsman" - a draftsman was a person who made patterns for silk fabrics. Industrial fashion design is precisely the ancestor of modern industry.

Industrialization forced us to turn to the production of products for a wide range of buyers. As a result, the first design schools opened: in the United States, they accepted the first applicants in the late 1800s. But it was not until the 1980s that industrial design gained attention as a profession that could provide useful talents for the economy. This was due to the emergence of consumer electronics, the increase in global competition and the development of international trade.

The idea of ​​what an industrial designer should do also changed. Previously, their training was mainly in the field of art and design, based on the appearance and functionality of the product. Today, such studios are also responsible for designing the basics of material costs and developing corporate branding. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more than 43,000 industrial designers in the United States in 2018.

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Industrial Design Examples
Experts calculate details about all the objects you use: whether it's a shaver or a car. Some objects are famous for their design and go down in history as an example of the perfect combination of practicality and beauty.

Consider an example, such as bubble wrap. Now we are used to using it to preserve fragile things during moving. But originally it was a concept for wallpaper. But for some reason, the idea did not catch on among people, and no one wanted to cover their house with such a film. The creators of this material, Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavan, decided to sell a batch of "wallpaper" to IBM and began to package computers and various components in it. As a result, bubble wrap has become synonymous with security and reliability.

Industrial Design Examples

Bic handle. Few people know that the ballpoint pen was developed by several companies in the 1940s. But the company's founder, Marcel Bic, emphasized the disposable and low cost of the writing instrument. That is, if your pen ran out of pen paste, he was willing to buy another identical pen for 19 cents. This is how Bic stood out and became a monopoly on the stationery market. But the design of the Bic Cristal pen has not changed since 1950.

Bookcase "Billy". According to statistics, one such shelf is sold every 10 seconds - this shows its popularity for almost half a century. The appearance of this most well-known bookcase has not changed since 1978. It was then that the Swedish designer Gillis Lundgren decided to go the minimalist way: to make an inexpensive shelf without unnecessary details that could be used for any purpose. This furniture is still used in the kitchen, hallway and nursery to store books or other items.

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The main types of industrial design today
Due to the large variety of equipment and their different functions, they must be classified according to their use. After all, industrial design experts cannot work efficiently in multiple professional fields. There are the following classifications of modern industrial design.

Specialization Description
Engineering equipment This includes equipment used for scientific research, construction work and special studies.
Medical devices This is a set of products needed to perform diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures.
Vehicles This includes all existing modes of transport.
Household appliances Household appliances perform both their main functions and internal functions.
Interior and exterior elements Home and office furniture should look organic to the overall interior of the workplace, the entire office or the apartment.

5 issues that industrial design aims to solve
Industrial design usually solves five main issues:

Ease of use of the product. The object must be safe, simple and intuitive as possible. A person should understand how to use it at the first sight of an object.

The practicality of using a device depends on the skills of the professional: the more complex the device is in this regard, the more skilled the industrial designer must appear. He telemarketing leads, indonesia telephone number data must understand how to interact with the technology in order to provide the most suitable appearance options.

Ease of maintenance. This criterion plays a big role in the sense that the device sometimes needs repairs. In order to open the required compartments and find the screws, the user sometimes spends a lot of time. Industrial designers also need to take into account that removable parts should not be hidden too deep behind the beauty of the casing.


External qualities of the product. One of the main goals that experts should strive to achieve is to inspire buyers to possess a specific item because of its appearance. In addition, industrial design separates a wide variety of product types. Because of this, buyers have a better chance of finding something they really like.

Industrial Design Challenges

Working with brands. Product design should convey the company's philosophy and mission to consumers. Thus, in the process of choosing a product, consumers form an opinion about the organization, develop a desire to like or even buy only the company's products.

Reduced equipment and production costs. Functional characteristics and used materials greatly affect the cost of a product. Using non-standard materials, designing complex designs and adding features will be unprofitable. Industrial design can significantly reduce the production cost of a product if all components are chosen wisely when creating it.