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Subscribers can only engage with

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:42 am
by mdsah5125344
TLDR: The digital email marketing training from Brevo Academy is a great opportunity to become an expert in email marketing! Thanks to its 8 interactive modules, it offers a complete overview of the techniques and tools necessary to develop your business and achieve impressive results. It is an easy-to-follow, free training accessible at all levels. Once the modules are completed, you will receive recognized certification and a discount code!
8. Promote engagement
Optimize your email design to encourage more brand engagement and strengthen your customer relationships.

your newsletters if you provide a way for them to do so.

Promoting engagement through your newsletter design is a great way to motivate subscribers to get involved. Even small design tweaks can make for high-quality engagement.

Make sure you’ve optimized the CTAs in your newsletter. oman telephone number data Be strategic and transparent about where you’re sending your readers.

CTAs are there to help readers navigate through your content across channels. For this reason, any funny business around your calls to action is bound to hurt your click through rates.

Another great way to boost engagement is by incorporating social media buttons in your newsletter. Try adding them to your email header or footer if you don’t want them to take up too much space.

In the short run, it encourages subscribers to connect with your business across multiple channels. In the long run, this leads to a well-connected web of communication between you and your target audience.

Pixlee does a good job of giving their audience plenty of opportunities to share their content. There are social media buttons in the footer and even a clear “share this with your friends” CTA button too!


newsletter with button encouraging shares
8 email newsletter design tips later…Summary
Personalized and targeted email marketing campaigns are essential to drive conversions and maximize the value of every customer interaction.

To personalize effectively, businesses need high-quality customer data.

Brevo CDP offers a robust solution to unify, enrich, and sync customer data, empowering businesses to extract actionable insights and leverage smart segments to improve the customer journey.

In this article, we’ll go over pre-defined segments based on CDP scores and explore retail scenarios to illustrate how Brevo CDP enhances email marketing conversion.