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How to set up Aweber Sales Tracking?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 7:02 am
by badhon11
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Although content marketing is undoubtedly the best strategy to apply, the truth is that we cannot forget the ultimate goal of all companies: to sell and generate profits . To this end, Aweber has created a tool that allows you to measure the success of email marketing strategies, showing the exact amount generated by each email sent. Read this article and learn how to configure Aweber 's Sales Tracking option .

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The activation process is simple and only requires the installation of Web Analytics indonesia telemarketing list . Once this tool is installed, the user will only have to configure the settings correctly so that they can start receiving the appropriate information. First, click on the “ Reports ” tab and select the “ Settings ” option.

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Then, simply scroll down until you reach the “ Sale Tracking ” section, where you will find the “ New Goal Web Page ” field. Copy the URL where your customer is sent after making a purchase and complete it with a short description of your goal. It is important to remember that this should be the page that the person visits immediately after making a purchase and not any other.

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You should also define the type of event by selecting the “ Sale ” option. However, there are other objectives that you can and should define for your page. Use the different variables to fine-tune your strategy and better understand your consumer’s behavior.


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Finally, don’t forget to fill in the “ Monetary Value ” field, defining the conversion value that each event should generate. Also remember that for each product – with a different link – you will need to define these options.

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Click on the “ + ” option to add and that’s it. From this moment on, all emails that include the selected links will be tracked. Access QuickStats and you will be able to see the results achieved with each email, as well as a detailed view of the days on which you managed to make the most profit.

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Sign up for Aweber and take advantage of this powerful digital marketing tool. Choose from the various options available and opt for the one that best suits your needs. Optimize your emails and improve your results .