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Creating online content is easy. What’s not so easy is creating valuable content that deserves a place in your email sequence. What captures your subscribers’ attention? What convinces them to open your email? In this post, we’ll give you some valuable tips to help you start improving the quality of your email content today.
It's true: writing content for email is very different than writing content for a blog or social media.
What can you do to increase the open rate of your emails? Let's take a look:
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Exclusive Content
When you create your first email, the goal isn’t to send content that people have already heard of. The idea is to open a new line of communication that keeps your audience regularly engaged and prevents information from becoming stale leads.
Although email is now italy telemarketing lista technique frequently used by brands as a vast promotional tool, it is essential to create interesting emails for your subscribers.
Your content should reflect your brand’s strengths and, above all, leave subscribers eager to receive your next email. Offer tips, ideas and news that are relevant to your business, but keep the content casual, concise and focused not on you, but on your audience.
TIP: Make your business essential and you will maintain its value. The goal is to attract new customers by offering valuable content, not just fill a newsletter with things you want to say.
Visuals are a big part of the game. Images can be incredibly effective at capturing your audience’s attention and sparking interest in a way that text alone can’t. Why? People only remember 20% of what they read, but they remember 80% of what they see. We also process images 60,000 times faster than text.
TIP: If you use high-quality images (whether created by graphic designers or sourced from search engines), you are more likely to increase customer loyalty.
Great Subject Lines
There are a number of things we do to present ourselves in the best possible light on a first date: combing our hair or choosing the right words to say are usually at the top of the list of priorities.
In the case of email marketing, your first lines should also make a good first impression . After all, there are things we are entitled to once and making a good first impression is one of them.
TIP: Split testing can be a great way to see what resonates with your subscribers. Even if your message is valuable, it won’t matter if your subscribers don’t read past the first few lines.
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User Generated Content
Sometimes the best content isn’t something you’ve created yourself. Instead, it’s the kind of content your customers have created—also known as user-generated content (UGC) . From Facebook to Yelp!, there are a number of places where consumers come together to share their experiences with businesses around the world. Why not tap into these powerful communities to discover useful content for your emails?
TIP: Testimonials can be an important part of user-generated content. This type of content adds credibility and value to your emails. Think about using quotes and insights from customers that can help your subscribers, not just show off how awesome you are.
Irresistible offers
According to a study by Blue Kangaroo , 7 out of 10 people use promotional and discount coupons in the same week they receive them. In addition to using coupons as an incentive to attract new subscribers, this tactic can also be enough to keep subscribers interested, who will then open every email they receive to look for new coupons.
TIP: In addition to coupons and discounts, offer your subscribers exclusive content about new products or services and the possibility of pre-ordering them.