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Professional feedback and leave us a review to share on our website

Post by Rakibul520 »

Referral emails are also great for your industry partners, such as lenders and attorneys. Was the partnership enjoyable for both parties? Why not email your partners to ask for a mutual referral? Maintaining these relationships is just as important as keeping in touch with clients. The Pohlman Group has been asking for reviews and connections on Facebook since the beginning, actively expanding its presence on the Internet. The subject of their emails makes it clear what they want from the customer: Hello! We are happy to help you in the process of selling your property! It's hard work, but we've come this far together.

We would appreciate it if taiwan phone number library you would take a few minutes to give us your first-hand, . Click the yellow button to get started. If you're on Facebook, we'd love to be friends - click the little Facebook symbol below. CTA: Access the 3-minute survey Real Estate Email Example from The Pohlman Group Runner Kendahl McIntyre even rewards those who refer him by sending a thank you message with a gift certificate: Dear Customer, Thank you so much for your referral.


Almost 80% of my business comes from clients like you and a referral is the biggest compliment I can receive. To thank you, I would love to send you a $25 gift card to your favorite business. The choice is yours, let me know which one you would like by clicking one of the buttons below. Broker Kendahl McIntyre real estate agent email example Tip: Don't forget to move buyers or sellers to a separate group so they no longer receive emails from your ads.
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