Meet the most notable update of Yandex.Direct

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Meet the most notable update of Yandex.Direct

Post by mdsojolh634 »

The predicted CTR growth of new ads compared to the old format is 5% for desktops and 10% for mobiles, which is quite good. Full compatibility with old ad formats also remains.

You won’t have to drop everything and redo your ads, which is nice, you must admit!

Interesting details about the new Direct update
Yandex warns that the second title may not always be shown, depending on the ad's occupied space. Remember this and compose the first title in such a way that its meaning is not lost without the second part.
There is another very interesting and pleasant nuance. So that the advertiser does not have to sacrifice punctuation marks for the sake of content, Yandex has deduced from the count of the number of characters punctuation marks in the amount of 15 characters - periods, commas, quotation marks, colons, semicolons and exclamation marks!
And the question mark? – you ask. Yes, the question mark remains japan mobile phone numbers database in the count.
In total, the ad can contain 35, 30 and 81 characters, excluding punctuation marks. Yandex counts.
what did the ad in Direct look like before
The ads looked like this. Let's see what has changed.
view of new ad in Yandex.Direct

Previously, when using only one title, with proper formatting, part of the ad text would move into the title, increasing its size and attractiveness. At the same time, the displayed text in the ad was short and lost its informativeness.

In the new ad format, we use a second headline and add additional information to the ad text, increasing the information content and visibility of the entire ad.


Updated formula for Excel to calculate the length of a string without punctuation: LEN(SUBSTITUTE((SUBSTITUTE((SUBSTITUTE((SUBSTITUTE

The new ad format is available for search campaigns. The use of the expanded format for networks is still being tested.

Expand your benefits, write about discounts and prices in the headlines. Now everything will fit!

Sergey Yatsenko,
contextual advertising specialist at 5 o'click
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