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While divorce is not a pleasant time in life

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:49 am
by Apuroos2169
If you are unable to travel to other regions or cities due to health problems, then by law you can choose the branch closest to your place of registration (you will need to provide a medical certificate).
On the Justice portal, you can find the department you need by specifying the city. You can also book an appointment there and find contact phone numbers.

Enlarge image Divorce 2022
If there are no differences regarding property and children, this can be resolved at a meeting. Source: Shutterstock
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How to correctly write a divorce application
Divorce is a multi-step process. To avoid confusion, we've written reminders for each stage.

Write a statement. You can find samples at the district or district court and on the official website of the administration of your city. The document must be sent via Russian post or delivered in person to the court district office.


The easiest way to register a divorce is through the state service. On the portal you can submit your application under different conditions:

If you have children
With the consent of both spouses,
If one spouse does not agree to the divorce.
Application structure:

The name of the institution to which the application is submitted.
The request was for the dissolution of the marriage.
Reasons for divorce.
Indicate the basis.