According to Statista , these are the top reasons why your visitors add items to their cart but never complete the purchase:
The price is too high.
You do not deliver to their region.
They found a better offer.
Delivery is too slow or too expensive.
You don't offer their preferred payment method.
You provided him with a poor shopping experience.
He was asked to fill out too many forms.
They had technical problems accessing your website.
Your website looks suspicious.
You don't have a clear compensation policy.
They were busy or got distracted.
In general, higher-value items like gadgets or jewelry have higher abandonment estonia phone number library rates than essentials like groceries. Additionally, mobile users are twice as likely to abandon a cart as desktop shoppers because about 28% of websites are not optimized for mobile, especially when it comes to checkout.
Now that we have identified the main causes, let's look for a potential cure.
Why should you send abandoned cart emails?
This type of email is great for winning back hesitant customers and helping them fall in love with your brand. On average, highly personalized and well-written abandoned cart emails have 38% open rates and 28% conversion rates.
Some B2C marketers report that over 40% of their abandoned cart emails are opened, and 50% of users who click on them end up purchasing. In short, this is the second most profitable type of email , right after welcome emails.
Learn how to write awesome welcome emails from our blog!
Did you know that 87% of cart abandoners just need a little reminder to come back and buy? If you don't send timely abandoned cart recovery emails, you risk losing at least 26% of them to your nearest competitor.
You can use abandoned cart emails to address common customer concerns:
Compare your product with its alternatives and highlight your advantages.
Offer free shipping or a discount.
Help your customers bypass the high price by encouraging them to use “buy now, pay later” services.
Clarify your refund policy and mention your money back guarantee, if you have one.