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Process to register for self-consumption

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 4:22 am
by pappu865
In this article we explain the process to follow to register for self-consumption and what documentation is needed. Let's get started!

What types of self-consumption are there?
The different types of self-consumption are established in article 9 of Law 24/2013 of December 26 of the Electricity Sector. With the revision of the law that was published in 2019 within article 4 of Royal Decree 244/2019, the following types are currently distinguished:

1. Supply mode with self-consumption with surpluses
An energy generation facility is considered to be in this category when, in addition to supplying energy for self-consumption, it can inject the surplus energy into the grid and receive compensation for it.

Only small consumers with a power of less than 100 kW in their whatsapp mobile number list panel installation on the free market or less than 10 kW in the regulated market can benefit from this modality .

On the other hand, in this modality we can differentiate two alternatives for the user:

a) Benefit from simplified compensation : the total surplus energy that has been poured into the grid is compensated on the bill. If you switch to self-consumption with Naturgy, we offer you the Solar Light Rate , with which we will pay you €0.11 per kWh of surplus energy. The commercial name is Solar Rate but on your bill you will see it as Night Rate. b) Not benefiting from simplified compensation : in this case the marketer does not intervene and the customer has autonomy to manage their surpluses as they wish.

2. Supply mode with self-consumption without surpluses
This is the opposite case. These are facilities that do not generate a surplus of energy that can be injected into the transport or distribution network.

What documentation is needed to contract self-consumption?

Pre-installation documentation for the system
Building permit


As with any private work that may have an impact, the installation of solar panels requires a building permit in accordance with the current municipal regulations of the city council . These same regulations will dictate whether a responsible declaration of work is sufficient or whether, in addition, a prior notification of work is required.

Environmental authorization

This is a document issued by the department of the autonomous community that confirms that the installation does not have a negative impact on the environment . This authorization will only be necessary for self-consumption installations with a surplus and power greater than 100 kW or when the installation is intended to be done in a place protected by an organization.

Self-consumption code (CAU)

This is a numerical code that serves as an identifier for the photovoltaic installation , since it relates all the consumption and generation points associated with it. This document is generated by the electric company and shared with the autonomous administration at the time of processing the self-consumption installation.