Would you mind making my presentation?

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Would you mind making my presentation?

Post by arzina544 »

1. Can you make sure that the website is completely SEO-proof and is at the top of all search results?
We wouldn't want it any other way! Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. There are many factors that influence your ranking. Google promises to prioritize web pages with the highest information value. But that's just one thing Google looks at. For example, from May 2021, Google will start assessing websites more strongly based on the 'Core Web Vital' statistics .

SEO takes time. Monitoring, analyzing and optimizing. And even then it is not always possible to get that web page at the top of the search results, because there are simply too many things to take into account. And the 'then you hire an agency' is not the simple solution either.

Of course it can help. Often agencies have in-depth knowledge of SEO and they can fully focus on this subject, while marketers have many other things on their plate. But even with an agency you have no guarantee that your website will be on the first page at the top.

2. Think of something that will go viral. australia telegram data 3 million You can do it today, right?
I would love to spend my day posting things on social media that go viral. And again: it is not that simple. As a marketer you have to come up with something with a high shareability. Your target audience has to want to share it. The momentum has to be there and the content has to evoke emotion. These are important factors in a post going viral.

If the post is also liked and shared by followers with a large network, then your reach increases exponentially and you have a small chance that your post will go viral. Or not. That is a wait and see.


Marketing is a broad field, I can't deny that. If you Google a bit on 'definition marketing' or 'what is marketing', you will get a lot of different answers. But no, you can't throw every task that you don't know who it belongs to over the fence to the marketing department. We are not responsible for the printing paper and you can make your presentation very well yourself. 'I don't know, so it must be marketing' is simply wrong in 99% of the cases.

As a marketer, it is therefore important that you are visible in the organization and share what you are working on. Of course, it is not wrong to help a colleague and yes, if you have made your presentation, then marketing wants to check whether it meets all brand guidelines . But marketers: guard your fence.
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