How to Measure Marketing Success

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How to Measure Marketing Success

Post by sathi544 »

In the era of digital marketing , we can act on many fronts. However, if a marketing initiative does not generate a positive return on investment, something is definitely wrong. With this in mind, we will give you some tips on how to identify these flaws and correct them.

In the digital environment you can measure practically everything, including:

Where visitors discover your website

What content they view

How long they stay on specific pages of your website

Which calls-to-action lead to the freight forwarders brokers email lists highest number of conversions

Which content offers bring in more qualified leads

Which automated email campaigns bring the most (and least) leads to your website

Which marketing initiatives generate leads that become customers

And the list goes on and on in a sea of ​​marketing data analytics. Now how do you combine all this information so that it makes sense? What’s most relevant? And most importantly, how can you use this data to make positive changes?

First, you need to identify the problems your company faces in generating business. These may include items such as:

Lack of knowledge about the company on the part of the public

Prospects buying from inferior competitors

Lack of qualified leads

Wasting time on unqualified leads

Very long sales cycle

Very high cost-per-click

So you must identify which of these problems have precedents and then evaluate your effectiveness in solving them.


Considering the reality of B2B companies, which need to achieve different goals, there are some key points to start the analysis.

1. Measure your website traffic growth

Is your website traffic growing? Where are your visitors coming from? Which blog posts and website pages are attracting visitors outside of search engines? How is your website ranking in Google searches for keywords and phrases that are important to your business?

2. Measure your lead generation

Are at least 1-3% of new visitors to your site converting by downloading content or filling out a form? This is a good benchmark. If not, evaluate whether your site is properly organized to generate business. Does it have effective paths to conversion? Have you included diverse calls-to-action, targeting not only customers who are researching, but also those who are evaluating and almost buying something? Which marketing initiatives are bringing in the best leads? Take the opportunity to analyze which lead generation efforts are not converting.

3. Measure customer acquisition

What marketing initiatives generated leads that turned into customers? Were lead nurturing campaigns most effective in closing deals with the customer? Did any specific studies or whitepapers engage these customers throughout their journey?

Make the most of your data

Ultimately, your data will only be useful if you do something with it. See what’s working and step up your efforts. See what’s not and apply those efforts elsewhere. Improve and strengthen your marketing in every aspect and never be satisfied. A good way to do this is through Integrated Marketing strategies, where you can measure all your actions together, achieving superior results. Learn more by downloading our free ebook.
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