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Form with opt-in by signature

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:37 am
by arzina544
3 good applications of the renewed Telecommunications Act
Now you are aware of the most important changes in the rules for the telecommunications market that you must comply with as of July 1, 2021. Below I share three examples of organizations that apply the new rules well.

Phone number as optional field
At the Hartstichting, you can choose to fill in your telephone number or not when requesting a recipe booklet. This is a free consent, because it is not mandatory. At the bottom of the form it is clearly indicated that the Hartstichting can call you with more information about their work, for fundraising and for (customer) research.

When you request a telephone number and hong kong telegram data clearly state the purpose as a signature, this is considered an opt-in. In the case of Natuurmonumenten, you give permission to be called once ' Following your order for the booklet, Natuurmonumenten can call you once about a membership.'

It is assumed that a signature cannot be missed and that you know with the information what you are giving permission for, of course the field may not be mandatory to fill in. Putting the information in an 'i' is not sufficient, it is possible that the person filling in the form will overlook this information.


With a trial subscription you have a customer relationship
One way to be allowed to use a telephone number without an unambiguous and voluntary opt-in is when there is a customer relationship. This is possible by, for example, entering into a trial subscription. For example, the Volkskrant uses this possibility.

Please note that when collecting opt-ins, an option to opt-out must also be given immediately. In this case, when entering into a (trial) subscription, it is indicated that ' As a subscriber to de Volkskrant, you will receive news, attractive offers, current affairs and product information by email. You can change this in your preferences . ' You can change the opt-ins directly in preferences.