Vector image of a newsletter in three different sizes
5. Alt tags
Always add alt tags in a newsletter. Alt tags (or alt texts) are alternative texts that are shown when images are not loaded when opening the email. A kind of safety net to describe the image that should be shown.
Images are blocked by default in some clients, such as Outlook. Only after giving permission or downloading the images, they are loaded. To prevent the recipient from seeing only a large area with a cross or a question mark, add alt tags.
If no alt tags were added to the images, you would see a large blue box with a question mark.
6. Inverted pyramid email
With the inverted pyramid email, you create a india telegram data pyramid with your design. But upside down. It is a design technique to subconsciously persuade the reader to take the desired action. The inverted pyramid consists of three building blocks. With the top part you try to grab the reader's attention. Here you make clear what the email is about.
For example, you indicate that you are launching a new product. With the middle part, you provide additional information. In this example, you could mention some USPs. Finally, you try to lead them to the call-to-action, such as 'order product' or 'pre-order product'. Logical, right?
7. Texts aligned to the left
Make sure you align your texts to the left! This makes your emails readable. We are conditioned to read from left to right. For recipients who have more difficulty with reading (comprehension) or have dyslexia, it is even more of a challenge if you center all the text.