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Do: Tell customers what they are going to taste feel

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:09 am
by arzina544
An example of this are placebos. You know the medical form: no active ingredients, yet less pain. But the crossing button at the traffic light and the thermostat in the office building are often placebos. They do nothing, but make the wait shorter and the temperature feel nicer. And that progress bar while a site is looking for your best offer? A placebo that will make those deals feel even better. Brain scans show: cheap wine really does taste better from a bottle of a nice chateau. A strong brand is also a placebo: you feel better in a Peugeot.

, experience – the expectation creates the experience.

2. The sloth fly
Many marketers underestimate the effect of a little extra effort or fuss. The amount of effort people are willing to put into your product is rather disappointing. Researchers moved an unknown brand of chips to the middle of the shelf (eye level is buy level) and immediately doubled its sales. Love brands and customer loyalty notwithstanding: if you have to bend your knees, you would rather grab something else. People follow the path of least resistance, also mentally.

People follow the path of least resistance, italy telegram data also mentally.


Nobel Prize winner Richard Thaler said, "If you want people to do something, make it easy." Yet marketers and campaigners often do the opposite: offer lots of information and content, give lots of choice, want to make people think. Of course, with some topics that's necessary. But if you want to make people think about dip, this bluebottle flies in the wrong direction.

Do: Start with why not . Before you start a campaign, find out what is holding people back. Aren't you making it harder for them than necessary?

3. The Pain Fly
'Safe' is almost a curse word among marketers and creatives. But it does have a strong effect. Imagine: two primitive people on the steppe see a sabre-toothed tiger. One doesn't hesitate for a second and runs away. The other calmly goes to see what the beast wants. Whose DNA do you think you got? Exactly. Quick decision-makers survived and passed on their genes to us.