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Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:16 am
by ritu800
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Who will find this article useful?
If you are a commercial writer, a student, a copywriter – feel free to read.

You will find it useful!

You will be able to work on orders faster and better, write term papers and theses.

Clients and teachers will appreciate it!

If you still sit for hours and distort poor texts to increase uniqueness by at least 5 percent, this article is for you.

Be sure to read to the end if you:

A copywriter who writes texts according to the saudi arabia mobile number list pdf customer's specifications . Today, everyone knows how important it is to post unique articles on a website, so checking for uniqueness is a must.
A student working on a term paper. All universities require unique material when writing any reports, essays, or theses. My brother, a teacher, turns away copy-paste with attached links to sources and smiles sarcastically.
You work on the exchange . There is double quality control there. Firstly, customers want uniqueness, secondly, non-unique text will not be allowed through the exchange moderation.
Just a freelance artist who writes everything and for everyone. Nobody has abolished copyright. If you publish someone else's text without changes, you may get a slap on the wrist from the original source.
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What is unique text?
Today, the uniqueness of a text has become a broader concept than just the absence of coincidences with other materials from the Internet. On the one hand, it is new original content, on the other, it is written by you, a person, and not by artificial intelligence.

Advanced customers require checking the text on AI. They know perfectly well that Google can reject pages with AI content. At the same time, an interesting fact: the text written by AI can be 100% unique from the point of view of the anti-plagiarism service. But the content will still not pass, because it was not created by a person.

I'll talk more about AI below.

Check for originality
If you think that a completely unique text is written only from the head, then you are mistaken.


Moreover, even a carelessly done rewrite will be ruined by the system.

We explain how anti-plagiarism works using examples.

Let's warm up by figuring out what content will be considered original by the anti-plagiarism system.

At first glance, everything is simple: this is text that the service has never seen before.

In fact, everything is much more interesting.

Antiplagiarism is a check of texts using complex algorithms.

They break the text down into molecules, examine it under a microscope, and put it back together.

Matches are found in words, phrases, whole sentences, and so on.

The sequence of presentation, structure, and general course of the narrative are analyzed.

As a result, the program immediately identifies not only completely copied material, but also carelessly reworked material.

It is not possible to replace several words in a sentence and rearrange them.

The algorithm will still find matches and give a low score.

I’ll say more: anti-plagiarism software algorithms are constantly being improved.

It won't work to simply replace every fourth or third word. The service sees such simple manipulations perfectly well.

On the other hand, thanks to the improvement of programs, they will not cling to phraseological units. If the text is really written by you, this will be reflected in the form of a high percentage of uniqueness.

Now let's see what uniqueness testing looks like in practice. Let's take part of the article from our blog "How to write a selling text 2024" and run it in the SmallSEOTools service.

Проверка на оригинальность
As you can see, the program showed that the text is not 100% unique. And simple word juggling won't help here.

AI Check
We constantly talk about the importance of content quality and changes in Google requirements. In one of the latest videos, Nikolay Shmichkov talks about using AI texts.

SEO Trends 2024: New and Forgotten Old
Тренды SEO 2024: Новое и забытое старое
Google hesitated for a long time about how to treat content written by artificial intelligence and came to the conclusion: sites with such texts should be banned. People should write for web resources.

I'll tell you a secret: AI can be used, but only as an auxiliary tool that needs to be carefully checked for factual and other errors. Its tips can be the skeleton, but not the body of the content. The site cannot post texts written entirely by AI.

I wrote in detail about what AI can do in my article , I don’t want to repeat myself.

Text created entirely by artificial intelligence can be called non-unique. It will not pass Google's check, so it is not worth the risk.

Today, there are many tools for checking text on AI. Finding an adequate free service is a real quest: either the check is of poor quality, or the limitations are monstrous.

We have developed our own tool and are happy to share it with you.

AI Content Detector

This is a free tool on our website You can find it in the Tools tabs at the very bottom of the list.

The service is very easy to use.

First, you need to register on the site. You can log in via Facebook.

AI Content Detector
Then go to the tool, paste your text into the field, click “Analyze text” — and voila! The result is ready.

нажмите “Analyze text”
You can check text up to 1200 words in length at a time (this is about 6700 characters without spaces).

Let's check out part of this article.

Проверять за один раз можно текст размером до 1200 слов
Результат проверки текста
As you can see, the AI ​​didn't write for me)

So, enjoy using AI Content Detector!

Below I will tell you about another of our mega-useful tools for authors. I recommend reading the article to the end.

The best plagiarism checking services for Ukrainian copywriters
Any work on making text unique should begin with choosing a verification program.

Literally: for which of the many services we will adapt the text.

The fact is that different systems can give completely different assessments of the same material.

This happens due to differences in the operation of algorithms and databases through which the text is run.

There are special programs for checking students' work. Such services have their own database, so there is no point for webmasters to run texts in them. Just like checking an essay in a regular anti-plagiarism.

Special services for universities include:
Now I will move on to web text verification services. For Ukrainian copywriters in modern realities, the search for international programs has become especially relevant. We have abandoned the previously familiar services.

I have selected a list of suitable tools for you. I have tested their work on my own experience and will tell you about the pros and cons of each program.
Free tool with additional features.

The site also offers to rewrite the article, check the grammar or draw conclusions about the text.

You can check up to 1000 words (about 6000 characters) at a time.

True, the article can only be rewritten in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese or Italian. And conclusions can be made in 9 languages ​​(there are no Ukrainian or Russian).

The service has no limits on the number of checks.

He is loyal enough that if you wrote it yourself, he won't bother you.

The disadvantages include: a character limit for one check in the free version and the time of the check itself - it can take several minutes.

Free service with the ability to check text up to 500 words (about 3000 characters without spaces). Supports more than 190 languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

You can simply paste text into the field or upload a file.

Loyal, checks quickly. The main disadvantage is the limitation on the text volume for 1 check in the free version.

Free service with the ability to check text up to 1000 characters.

The site interface supports 25 languages.

You can paste text or upload a file.

Free grammar check, reverse image search, paraphrasing tool are also available.

You can extend your limit by purchasing 1 of 3 monthly packages (from $9.80 to $29.80 - from 40,000 to 120,000 words).

The tool checks the text qualitatively, not too loyal. The downside is the limits for free checking.

Among the paid plagiarism checking services, I can highlight Copyleaks and the program for downloading to your computer Plagiarism detector. The latter has the ability to make 7 free checks to get acquainted with the functionality of the tool.

How to bypass anti-plagiarism – 7 working methods
Copywriting, rewriting, symbol replacement, synonymizers…

Think you know it all already?

I doubt it. Here are 7 ways to bypass anti-plagiarism for free.
Method 1 – write a unique text from scratch
It would be hard to even call this method a deception.

Honest, correct option.

True, it is not always effective, more on that later.

In order to write unique material from scratch, without using any sources, you need to be 100 percent knowledgeable about the subject of the conversation.

For example, you are an avid car driver or even wor