he result will surprise you greatly: the uniqueness of such a text is unlikely to exceed 60-70 percent.
Why? It’s all about the abundance of special terms, stable concepts and expressions.
In good material, ABS is anti-lock braking system, ICE is internal combustion engine, and crankshaft position sensor is crankshaft position sensor.
If (in pursuit of uniqueness) you replace these terms with common ones, the anti-plagiarism system will be delighted.
But your readers won't. The material will saudi arabia mobile number owner details lose its expertise, and therefore its value for those who are in the know.
A person with even the slightest understanding of terminology will not read a text where the car interior is called “the interior space for accommodating the driver and passengers.”
site where things are called by their proper names.
The percentage of uniqueness is the last thing he cares about.
Adequate customers understand perfectly well that the percentage of uniqueness may also depend on the topic. Therefore, for specialized topics, the uniqueness of the text is allowed to be lower - usually from 85%. Such topics include trading, auto repair, medical, technical, economic industries. When the article is not generalized, but is written for professionals, it will contain a lot of specific terminology.
If the customer is not fully aware of the nuances of text uniqueness indicators, then you need to explain it to him.
In general, everything here depends on the customer and your ability to convince.
If you can prove that the text is not unique for objective reasons, and not because you stole it, then good.
If it doesn't work out, so be it. In the end, it's worse for the customer.
True, you will still be the one to blame. “No one reads your nonsense,” the enraged customer will say.
Here is one piece of advice that is well known to all performers.
Imagine: you cooked a signature kharcho according to a Georgian recipe for a customer.
So, be prepared to pour a bucket of slop into it at any moment and hopelessly ruin it because that's what the consumer wants.
It’s the same with texts (as well as design, videos and other content).
Method 2 – Make copywriting of sources
The most common way in the Internet environment to pass anti-plagiarism.
A copywriter uses several sources of information and processes them, passing the material through himself.
An SEO copywriter supplements the text with keywords and writes according to a given structure or creates the structure of the article himself in accordance with the semantic core.
The more sources you use, the more unique and useful the content becomes.
The idea is not just to “paste together” a new text from pieces of several others, but rather to deeply rework it.
The material receives an original structure and a different sequence of presentation.
To increase uniqueness, words are replaced with synonyms, phrases in a sentence are rearranged and changed places.
Among authors, there is a conditional division into superficial and deep copywriting .
Superficial copywriting is the reworking of existing texts in order to obtain unique material.
It does not contain any new information.
All data can be easily found in other sources.
When deeply revising a text, the author adds his own ideas and reflections, and relies on his own knowledge and experience.
It collects statistics, research data and other information.
Method 3 – rewrite the original text
The main difference between copywriting and rewriting is that in the latter, a specific text is taken as the source.
All that is required from the performer is to increase his uniqueness.
If you run the text indexed by a search engine through anti-plagiarism services, the percentage of uniqueness will be zero.
To increase the indicator, the following techniques are used:
replacing words with synonyms;
retelling the text in your own words;
replacement of wording of individual sentences;
changing the structure of the text;
diluting the text with introductory words and phrases;
changing the order of words in a sentence using additional words;
replacing numbers with words (instead of “5” you can easily write “five” – elementary, but it works).
Method 4 – translation from foreign sources
All the uniqueness checking programs I have described work exclusively with texts indexed by search engines.
If you translate any foreign source, the uniqueness will be high.
There is simply no such material on the Internet, so the service will not find any matches.
The approach has a significant drawback: machine translation is not of high quality, and manual translation requires a lot of work.
But after self-translation the result will be digestible.
Machine translated text needs to be improved to improve its readability.
And here again, copywriting skills will help you.
Method 5 – double translation
The method is extremely simple: we enter the original Russian-language text into Google Translate and translate it into any language.
For example, Arabic.
загоняем исходный русскоязычный текст в Гугл Переводчик
And then back to Russian.
текст в Гугл Переводчике переводим обратно на русский
The result will be gibberish, but unique.
All that remains is to bring this set of words into a divine form, and you will get an acceptable text.
By the way, the main mistake that inexperienced copywriters and students make is that they don’t edit the text, but leave it as is.
Let it be unique, but under no circumstances should you submit such work.
So, we edit and run it through a plagiarism checking service.
Результат плагиата
To be on the safe side, you can perform multiple translations into several foreign languages and back.
For example, from Russian to Bulgarian, then to Spanish, then to French and finally to Russian.
If you can then figure out what you got, uniqueness is guaranteed.
Yes, it’s a hassle, but it solves the problem of how to cheat plagiarism.