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This is how the Ministry of Labor wants to prevent fraud in Social Security

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:27 am
by jrine 01
We analyse the composition of the Observatory for the Fight against Social Security Fraud, as well as the objectives it aims to meet and the impact it can have on companies.

The observatory aims to be an instrument of collaboration between various administrative bodies and social agents.
Their actions must translate into a better fight against Social Security fraud.
On June 19, the Ministry of Labor issued a ministerial order that launched the Observatory for the Fight against Social Security Fraud . This is an organization created with the objective of preventing and fighting fraud, as well as recovering resources lost by Social Security.

The created body has its antecedent in a similar one from 2006. It cannot involve an increase in the budget for its operation and the resources allocated by the argentina email list 4.8 million contact leads Social Security Treasury, Inspection and different bodies that comprise it have to come from the institutions themselves. The objective is to coordinate policies, create recommendations or promote regulatory changes .

Composition and functions of the Observatory for combating Social Security fraud
The General Treasury of Social Security, the National Institute of Social Security, the Social Institute of the Navy, the state agency for the Inspection of Labour and Social Security, the Legal Service of the Social Security Administration and the most representative trade union and business organisations will collaborate in this body. It will be integrated into the General Treasury of Social Security and will report directly to its General Directorate.

The plenary session will operate in plenary and provincial commissions. The plenary session will meet twice a year on an ordinary basis. Extraordinary sessions will be held at the initiative of its president or when requested by at least one third of its members. For their part, the provincial commissions will meet at least four times a year on an ordinary basis. In this case, they will submit their conclusions, proposals or recommendations to the plenary session.

Its functions include:

Analysis of actions and behaviours that may be fraudulent and are not included in the annual plan of objectives of the Treasury and Inspection. For example, if the fight against temporary or false self-employed workers is already established as an objective, it will not be subject to analysis by this body.


Establishment of standards and protocols for inspection or ex officio actions by the Social Security Treasury.
Coordination and proposals for improvement to promote or deepen prevention measures.
Analysis of current regulations to eliminate possible gaps or grey areas.
Dissemination of results.
The plenary session and the provincial commissions have three months to be formed, so they must be operational in September .

Objectives of the Observatory against fraud
The Observatory for the Fight against Social Security Fraud has the following objectives:

Promotion of actions and mechanisms for the prevention, detection and correction of Social Security fraud.
Data analysis to identify possible irregular and fraudulent conduct, especially those related to the improper receipt of Social Security benefits and allowances. This is intended to promote preventive measures.
Contribute to the planning of joint objectives between the General Treasury of Social Security and the Labour and Social Security Inspection.
Monitoring of the actions undertaken, the results obtained and the resources invested.